Bernier (née Morrison), Margaret Taylor - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire des Deux Rives

Bernier (née Morrison), Margaret Taylor


1925 - 2024

Margaret passed away peacefully at CHSLD Saint Brigid’s Home on Saturday October 26, 2024, aged 99 and a half. Margaret was a beloved wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, sister, as well as auntie, cousin, in-law, godmother, and friend. She was predeceased by her husband Jean-Pierre, son Michel, and sister Elizabeth.

Margaret leaves behind her daughter Anne (Randy), son David, grandchildren Mathieu (Catherine), Leah (Carlin), Sheena (Johnathon), great-grandchildren Kaycee, Maysen, Carsen, Keylyn, Brynley, Edisen, Maëlle, Alden, Natalie, Maiya, and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins, in-laws, a goddaughter, and close friends.

Margaret was born in England to her British mother, Beatrice, and her Irish father, Herbert. She was a survivor of World War II. Alongside her sister, the two siblings were evacuated from London to the countryside for several years. Nevertheless, she graduated from Birmingham University in 1946 with a B.Sc. (Physics), then worked as a Radiotherapy Medical Physicist at Leeds Hospital. 

Margaret came to Canada in 1952 on a bursary from the Canadian Cancer Society to complete a master’s degree in physics at the University of Saskatchewan. Her research was supervised by Dr. Harold E. Johns, who built the world’s first Cobalt Radiation Therapy treatment machine in 1951, a revolutionary device which would save millions of lives worldwide. Her thesis research project was Rotation Distributions using Cobalt 60.  She then worked at Regina Hospital prior to moving to Quebec City with her husband, whom she’d met while he was completing his PhD in Physics, under Dr. Johns as well. Margaret loved Quebec City and its culture. She enjoyed gardening, singing, knitting, reading, swimming, and traveling. She loved a daily cup of Earl Grey tea! 

Margaret was a Girl Guide/Brownie Leader for 35 years, as well as a camp advisor. She was a choir member in the Choeur du Vallon for 20 years. She knitted several hundred baby blankets donated to CHUL Centre Mère-Enfant and Jeffrey Hale through the Linus Project. Margaret cared deeply about early learning, biology, oncology, medicine, science, and the environment and was a volunteer extraordinaire, and a Women in Science role model. She believed one could achieve one's goals through perseverance and courage i.e. with true grit. We will dearly miss her thoughtful, positive nature and her resilient British/Irish character; she will always remain in our hearts guiding our way forward.

The family wishes to thank the staff of Saint Brigid’s Home for their compassionate, interdisciplinary care. A heartfelt thanks to everyone who provided Margaret with loving company and care packages! Thanks to the staff of the Coopérative funéraire des Deux Rives, Centre funéraire du Plateau, and St. Patrick’s Church for funeral services and arrangements kindly provided.

The funeral will be held at St. Patrick’s Church, 1145 Ave de Salaberry, Quebec City, G1R 2V7 on Friday November 8, 2024. Condolences at 10:30 a.m., funeral mass at 11 a.m.

Reception luncheon to follow at

 Coopérative funéraire des Deux Rives 
Centre funéraire du Plateau 
693, avenue Nérée-Tremblay Québec (Québec)   G1N 4R8

A memorial slide show will be displayed. Please inform us if you are in need of transportation from the church to the reception hall, 6 km away.

Burial will be at Cimetière Notre-Dame-de-Belmont, 701 Ave Nérée-Tremblay, Québec City, G1N 4R8 following the funeral. You are invited to attend or have a coffee in the reception area until the reception commences.

In Margaret’s memory, donations to the Médecins Sans Frontieres or Covenant House.

would be appreciated. 

13 messages reçus

Anne et David Bernier

La vie est éphémère, mais le souvenir d’un être cher reste.
Lambert et moi vous souhaitons beaucoup de courage, et sommes de tout cœur à vos côtés.

Aline Boulanger, le 1 novembre 2024

Anne et David Bernier

Margaret was a wonderful role model for all of us… a kind, intelligent, creative person right to the end of her life. It was a privilege to know her. I send my condolences to all the family.

Mary Robertson , le 1 novembre 2024

Anne et David Bernier

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this very sad time.

Un arbre est planté
à la mémoire du défunt
Rosie and Neil Buckland, le 2 novembre 2024

Anne & David Bernier

The last of a generation, I think. Our sincerest condolences to you and all of the family - our thoughts are with you.

James & Rosalind Roebuck, le 2 novembre 2024

Anne et David Bernier

Je vous offre à vous et à tous vos proches, mes condoléances avec une infinie tendresse.
Que votre douce mère repose en paix.
Mille et une pensées,

- Michèle Fortier, le 2 novembre 2024

Michèle Fortier, le 2 novembre 2024

Anne and family

Our sincere sympathies Anne to you and your family. It was a pleasure to meet your mother in the Spring. Her wit and intelligence was so apparent. Losing our mothers is so tough, but a part of them is still a part of us. Love, Debbi and Ralph

Debbi and Ralph Templeton, le 3 novembre 2024

Anne et famille

Anne we had heard so much about your incredible Mum and our curiosity finally answered when we met her this summer. No wonder she made it to 99! She was definitely a force and knew what she wanted. Her accomplishment as a woman in the '50s and her commitment to her vocation as a mother and leader is an inspiration to us all.
Thanks again for introducing us to your beloved Mum.

Sarah and Pierre, le 4 novembre 2024

Ann and David

Our sincere sympathies , we will miss your mother.
Frank and Hélène Pouliot

Frank et Hélène Pouliot, le 4 novembre 2024

David, Anne & Family

The world is certainly a better place having had Margaret in it. With a heart of gold and a giving spirit, she was both a family and community superhero. As she goes to her well earned rest, we will think of her often.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Margaret's Aunt Vera, cousin Hazel and family in Moycullen, le 5 novembre 2024

Anne et David Bernier et la famille

À Anne et David, Nous sommes bien attristés du décès de Tante Margaret. Perdre un être cher de surcroît une maman est une épreuve difficile. Sachez que vous avez toute notre affection. Sympathies de la Famille Boulanger-Fraser, Aline, Denise et André

Denise Boulanger, le 7 novembre 2024

Anne , David, and family

My heart is sad with you as we lose our mothers at the same time. A mom is the heart of the family. Will miss your mom and all her family stories. I really want to remember her wonderful thankful attitude of contentment with so little. What a good example. Love and hugs, Susan O Brien

SUSAN O Brien, le 7 novembre 2024

Anne, David et la famille

Toutes mes condoléances ainsi qu’à vos proches. Le parcours de votre mère est impressionnant et je regrette de l’avoir si peu connue. Je ne pourrai malheureusement pas assister à la cérémonie mais je serai de tout cœur avec vous en pensée.

Colette Fraser, le 7 novembre 2024

Anne et David Bernier

Que ce message vous apporte le témoignage d'une sympathie profonde et sincère.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Jacques et Francine Fraser, le 22 novembre 2024

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